Wed, Oct 23rd, 2024


Civil Rights

  • ADA

    ADA Program Plan


    Decorative image of ADA symbols

    Policy Statement

    Tompkins County is committed to equally serving all persons in all County programs, services, or activities without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or any other status protected by law. The purpose of the County’s ADA Program Plan is to set forth Tompkins County’s procedures for ensuring that all County provided programs, services, and activities provide reasonable accessibility for individuals with disabilities, as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    ADA Coordinator

    The County Compliance Officer has executive oversight of the County Compliance Program, including the County’s ADA Plan.

    Complaint Procedures

    If you believe that you have been excluded from, denied the benefits of, or been subjected to discrimination in any program, service, or activity administered by Tompkins County, you have the right to file a complaint within 180 days of the incident. Learn more about How to File a Complaint.

    Program Accessibility

    Tompkins County will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. When making modifications or accommodations, Tompkins County will strive to use methods that result in the most integrated setting, whenever possible. The ADA does not require Tompkins County to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.

    ADA Transition Plan

    Tompkins County will ensure physical accessibility by creating and maintaining an ADA Transition Plan. The Plan will identify:

    • Physical barriers in County Government facilities that limit access to programs, activities, or services;
    • Methods to remove barriers limiting accessibility;
    • A schedule for remediation steps; and
    • An official responsible for the Plan’s implementation.

    Learn more about the Tompkins County ADA Transition Plan…

    Effective Communication

    Tompkins County strives to ensure that communication with all clients, program participants, and the general public is effective, regardless of disability. For phone conversations, Tompkins County staff will use New York Relay, a free telephone service provided by New York State that connects calls between a hearing caller and a person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, or speech-disabled. For in-person interactions, Tompkins County contracts with a third-party provider to schedule American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters as needed. The County can also provide written materials in an alternate format (e.g. Braille or large print) upon request.

    Website Accessibility

    The Tompkins County website is an important resource for accessing County services, programs, and activities. As such, Tompkins County strives to ensure that its website follows accessible design standards so that people with disabilities can have equal access. Read more about the County’s Website Accessibility.

    Service Animals

    Tompkins County allows service animals (as defined by ADA) to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of County facilities where the public is normally allowed to go. Services animals are not required to wear a special vest or have documentation, but they must be leashed (unless the person’s disability prevents them from using such a device). Tompkins County can ask for a service animal to be removed if the animal is out of the handler’s control.


    The Tompkins County 9-1-1 Communications Center, through the Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response, is able to directly process any 9-1-1 or non-emergency call received via Teletypewriter or Telephone Device for the Deaf (TTY/TDD) from a person who has a speech, hearing, or sight impairment. Emergency Services Dispatchers are trained within the first three weeks of hire on how to use TTY/TDD equipment, and then are tested twice yearly in written format. 9-1-1 Center equipment is tested monthly in compliance with ADA. Emergency Services Dispatchers are also able to process any call made via 7-1-1, the New York Relay Service.

    Emergency Management

    Tompkins County makes every effort to ensure that its emergency programs and facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. The County’s Department of Emergency Response is responsible for coordinating and overseeing all County emergency preparedness activities including, but not limited to, public education, training, exercises, and drills. During a disaster, the Department of Emergency Response coordinates with local and regional service providers to provide information and deliver services to all County residents, including those with disabilities. In addition, the County has formed the People with Disabilities in Disaster Task Force, a sub-committee of the County’s Emergency Planning Committee, to address the needs of people with disabilities in emergency planning and management.

    Additional Resources  

    ADA Technical Assistance
    Northeast ADA Center
    ADA Toolkit for State and Local Governments
    Service Animals


    For further information regarding the Tompkins County Title VI Program or

    the Tompkins County Compliance Program please contact:

    Lisa Holmes, Deputy County Administrator or Jessi Spudis, Compliance Program Coordinator
    Department of County Administration
    125 East Court Street, 3rd Floor
    Ithaca, NY 14850
    (607) 274-5551

  • Title VI

    Title VI Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

    Public Notice   

    (English)     (En Español)     (中文翻译)
    Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice on the basis of race, color, or national origin has the right to file a formal complaint with the County. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with the County Compliance Officer within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence.

    In addition to its obligations under Title VI, Tompkins County is committed to equally serving all persons in all county programs or services without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, alienage, disability, medical condition, military status, familial status, ex-offender status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

    Title VI Discrimination Complaint Forms may be obtained online (below) or from the

    Department of County Administration at 125 East Court Street, 3rd Floor, Ithaca, NY 14850.

    What Is Discrimination According To Title VI?

    Title VI defines discrimination as follows:

    Disparate treatment focuses on the discriminatory intent of a challenged action and is defined as treating similarly situated persons or groups differently based on their protected status or category.

    Disparate impact occurs when a “neutral procedure or practice” results in fewer or inferior services or benefits to members of a protected group. Disparate impact focuses on the consequences of a decision, policy, or practice rather than the discriminatory intent.

    How Can I Report Discrimination Or Unequal Treatment?

    If you believe that you have been excluded from, denied the benefits of, or been subjected to discrimination in any program, service, or activity administered by Tompkins County, you have the right to file a complaint within 180 days of the incident.

    How to File a Complaint

    For further information regarding the Tompkins County Title VI Program or

    the Tompkins County Compliance Program please contact:

    Lisa Holmes, Deputy County Administrator or Jessi Spudis, Compliance Program Coordinator
    Department of County Administration
    125 East Court Street, 3rd Floor
    Ithaca, NY 14850
    (607) 274-5551

  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) / Airport Concessions Disadvantage Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Programs 

    Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) / Airport Concessions Disadvantage Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Programs



    Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE)

    Ithaca – Tompkins International Airport has an established Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with regulation of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CRF Part 26.   Tompkins County will never exclude any person from participation in, deny any person the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against anyone in connection with the award and performance of any contract covered by 49 CFR Part 26 on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin.


    Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Attachments:


    Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (ACDBE)

    Ithaca – Tompkins International Airport is a primary airport and has received federal funds and has established an Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 23.

    The Ithaca – Tompkins International Airport has signed airport grant assurances that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 23.


    ACDBE Attachments


    Interested in becoming a certified DBE / ACDBE Firm

    DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and control management and daily business operations.


    Disadvantaged would include persons who are citizens of the U.S. or lawful permanent residents and who are Blacks (not of Hispanic origin); Hispanics (persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race); Asian Americans; American Indians or Alaskan Natives.


    To be regarded as economically disadvantaged, an individual must have a personal net worth that does not exceed $1.32 million. To be seen as a small business, a firm must meet SBA size criteria AND have average annual gross receipts not to exceed $23.98 million. Size limits for the airport concessions DBE program are higher.


    For more information in becoming a certified DBE/ACDBE Firm please visit:  NYSUCP (