2019-2020 Photo Contest Finalists
Thank you to all who participated in our 2019-2020 photo contest! We had so many incredible photos to choose from. These 12 photos will be displayed as a gallery in the non-secure side of our airport, so anyone is welcome to come view them. We will release an announcement on Facebook and flyithaca.com when the gallery is installed. Please comment your top three favorites on our Facebook page!

An evening walk along the South Hill Recreation Way

Ithaca College Fountains

Kayaks (Myers Point, Lansing, NY) www.jonreis.com

Our Music Culture Brings Everyone Together

Eating naturally can be beautiful, especially at our Farmers Market

Buttermilk Falls with Fall Color

South Hill Cider runs their first press of the year in their new production facility

A bolt of lightning frames Cornell’s iconic McGraw Tower after a summer storm

Winter from Above (View looking north at Lake Cayuga)

Beebe King in Search for Lucille

Two lovers soak in a Spring sunset from Stewart Park

215 feet incredible single drop falls
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