Tue, Jan 14th, 2025


ITH Launches 2019-2020 Photo Contest

The Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport is looking for photographers of all levels to submit their photos that represent Ithaca, NY! The primary purpose of the contest is to select the top ten photo submissions and display them in the new terminal, which will be open and fully functional in January, when the gallery will be installed. Most of the construction will conclude by Thanksgiving. Read more about the contest below:

Have fun, get recognition, and help promote Ithaca by participating in our 2019-2020 photo contest! Oh, and most importantly, you’ll have the chance to win a travel voucher – but why would you want to leave this beautiful place?

We are looking for photo entries that really capture Ithaca, NY and its vibrant, diverse, GORGES community. When people fly into our airport, they are most likely coming to visit Ithaca because we are a destination airport. When people walk through the terminal – we want them to immediately get a sense of how special, unique, and welcoming Ithaca is. As our Airport Director always says, “We speak your language, we cook your food, we celebrate your music, you are welcome here.” We want this gallery of local photography to embody that phrase – everyone is welcome in Ithaca. We also want to represent Ithaca’s outstanding natural beauty – but don’t think you can only submit photos of our waterfalls and gorges – get creative, as long as you can justify why you believe it represents our community – we’d love to display it in our new terminal.

All entries must be submitted between November 1, 2019, and January 1, 2020. Each participant may submit a maximum of 2 photos for the contest. All entries must have an Ithaca connection and be original work. Only digital photo files (jpg, jpeg, or png preferred) will be accepted and should be at the highest resolution possible. At least 1800 pixels wide and a max file size of 20mb.

10 photos total will be chosen and displayed. The top three will receive prizes and 7 others will receive “honorable mention” and be displayed alongside the prize winners.

Our top three will receive prizes:

  • 1st place – $500 travel voucher
  • 2nd place – $250 travel voucher
  • 3rd place – $125 travel voucher

Are you excited yet??

Submit your photos here!

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